Thursday, August 6, 2009

Edwin appears in the August sketch!

This sketch was designed by Becca and I must just say, Becca you kicked my butt with this one!
I was working with Basic Grey paper on another project and was inspired by the little piece you see on the left. I wanted to use more of it, but I thought Edwin would get lost in the pattern!
So last night I colored Edwin to match the colors of the paper and the leaves to put behind him. Both images are part of the Animal/Pet collection which are in stock now for great prices at Magnolia-licious
if you want to go take a look! Join our Magnolia-licious yahoo group for further discounts!
I thought the second picture was a fun one! Look at the shadow of Edwin's lizard's tail! Yep, it's a sunny day!
I had the card put together so I made paper punch fake brads. I put Crystal Effects on them after they were glued onto the card.
This card is 5 1/2" square which brings up something I've been meaning to mention for awhile.
It can be difficult to fit our beloved Tildas and Edwins onto a nestability shape. I OFTEN to to my Petite ovals! I have the classic (straight edge) in the large and the small. There are several choices for ovals which are larger than the regular ovals! I also have the scalloped edge ones to go with the straight edge. Most of mine came from
7 Kids College Fund. Please see link to right and go to the Spellbinders section.
I hope you can see the sparkle on the lizard! My favorite Stardust stickles.

Here is my close up and I actually wrote the colors of markers down!
Here they are:
Hair Y21, E55, E25
Skin: E000, E93 and E01
Pants: E55, E57, E59
Lizard YG91, YG93, YG97 and YG0000
Leaves YG0000, YG91, YG93, YG97, YG99
Shoes YG91, YG95, YG97
Shirt: YR07, R17, Y38, YR07, R14, R24, R29, R59, YG25
(I just kept adding color until I got what I wanted!)
I've just gone to again because I did not hear from my Blog Candy winner and it's been days!
The WINNER now is number 63!! My winner is kat9 from Minnesota! She says she visits everyday! I hope so!
Kat please contact me at so I can get your address!
(Did you know a set of those petite oval nestabilites is one of the prizes!)
Well, that's it for now! Have a wonderful day!
THANKS so much for visiting!


Rachel said...

This is SENSATIONAL> AMAZiNG... wow.

Barb Hardeman said...

This is fabulous Cheryl. Your coloring is just amazing. If your blog candy winner never shows up, I'll take it off your hands. lol

Anonymous said...

WOW!! How gorgeous!! This is just amazing!!! I love the coloring!!!

Kerry D-C said...

AWESOME job with this sketch, Cheryl!!! FANTASTIC! You never cease to amaze me!

Tracey said...

This is an amazing card Cheryl! Love it!

Sharon Caudle said...

Fantastic card, Cheryl! Love the colors you used. Fantastic take on the challenge!

Myrna said...

I love it!!! I love all outdoors and the beautiful greens of nature. Love how you tied all the parts of the card together.

Abbey97 said...

Love your coloring! You make beautiful cards.

Anonymous said...

Absolutley gorgeous! Love the coloring. I think the colors are so bright and vivid.

Becky said...

This is just awesome.

Nancy said...

Cheryl great card what a awesome job you did with Edwin! I love the papers and colors.

Anonymous said...

Hi Cheryl,
Your card is so beautiful! The coloring is amazing. I love the theme you have going on. Boy cards are so hard to do, but you nailed it!

Vivi Casale said...

this card is adorable!!

Carla Murphy said...

Wow Cheryl... you do such beautiful work!

Jodi said...

Beautiful card! Love your pretty coloring too!! Yes, that lizard's tail is sooo cool!!
Jodi =)

sharon said...

You had done justice to Becca's sketch. I really like the leaves in the circles. They bring the forest scenario out.
Sharon L

Riet said...

What a beautiful card Cheryl,i love the image and colours.
So gorgeous papers.

Hugs Riet.x

Michelle said...

Wow, just stunning!! I had to laugh at the amount of colors you used for his shirt....but it turned out fantastic!!! I have the regular oval Nesties.....I knew there were also petites but never really checked them out! Thanks for sharing!

Cami said...

Wow! This is awesome, Cheryl! Your coloring is just beautiful and you've captured the colors so brilliantly! Love this card. Cami

dolcreations said...

This is just stunning. wow..your colouring is just amazing is not funny!

charlene said...

What a great card I love it, your coloring is great and I just love how you added the extra leaves

Julia Aston said...

What a fun Edwin with that lizard on his shoulders! he looks a little older here too - a more grown up hair cut!! Your coloring is super as usual Cheryl! I'm taking a copics class tomorrow and I hope I pick up a few tricks!

debbies said...

Absolutely stunning!!!! I love how you put the leaves behind Edwin and carried it over to the small circle images. WOW

Jacque said...

Great card, Cheryl...and such a wonderful treatment of the sketch, which to me was quite difficult also. The colors you have used are so appropriate and stunning for the subject...a very cute card, indeed...Hugs..Jacque

Sharron aka Sharrahug said...

I love what you did with Becca's sketch! Great job!
Huggies ~

Candy said...

Hi Cheryl!
LOVE LOVE your card. The colours are amazing ~ I still can't get over your colouring!!!!!
Fantastic take on Becca's Sketch too.......
Hugs, Candy

Jennifer Love said...

What a simply gorgeous card!!

Ashley Newell said...

This is amazing! You're coloring is just stunning!

cabio's craft corner said...

Cheryl, your colored of these images is so stunning! I have to admit too it is a hard sketch to use for thinking outside th box. I am still working on mine.

sylvia said...

amazing this is soooo beautiful and so well coloured it looks if hy can walk of the picture
hugs syl

Lisa Kind said...

So pretty, Cheryl! I love the colors and how you used the sketch! Great card!

Rosette said...

This is soooo beautiful! It cartured my attention so much that I HAD to come and comment! Beautiful!!!

Patricia Garcia said...

This card is amazing, love the coloring!

Laurie said...

What a terrific card...The colors are wonderful.

Snowflakescrapper said...


kat9 said...

Thank you, Thank you. I have just contacted you Cheryl about the candy. I am so happy. You are my first Candy winner.


Janine - Ellabella said...

Wooowwwww this is AMAZING!!! Coloring is perfect! WOW wow WOW


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